THE HEALTH & WELLNESS EXPO EMPHASIS WEEKEND PROGRAM IS ABOUT PEOPLE. For one full weekend, your church is transformed into a training school, just as we read in the health classic, Ministry of Healing: "Every church is to be a training school" where "Christ's method alone will bring true success in reaching the people." You will be following the Divine Design as spiritual, mental, physical and social well-being are themes presented with practical and attractive demonstrations, displays, sermon and song. Your church will become a center for health evangelism as members of all ages and professions unite together to prepare and present a weekend of inspiration... education... motivation.
Health & Wellness Expo - Derrick and Registered Nurse Devaney conducts workshops for churches and camp meetings giving hands-on training how to conduct a health expo and to cultivate a cycle of friendship building seminars. The Health & Wellness Expo is a proven way to arrest the attention of the public, church, and media in an area of common interest — how to have better longevity in life.
Here are some of the services available:
A weekend workshop in your local church
Duration of Program: Weekend Intensive Health Expo at your local Church or Evangelistic Series
TWC Community Health & Wellness Expo Training: For information about scheduling our TWC Community Health Expo Training and/or One Day Health Expo, please call us or contact us. Scheduling is also available for conferences, Men, Women, Family, and Christian Business retreats, and other special events.
Health & Wellness Expo - Derrick and Registered Nurse Devaney conducts workshops for churches and camp meetings giving hands-on training how to conduct a health expo and to cultivate a cycle of friendship building seminars. The Health & Wellness Expo is a proven way to arrest the attention of the public, church, and media in an area of common interest — how to have better longevity in life.
Here are some of the services available:
A weekend workshop in your local church
- Help run your first expo for the public
- Work with your pastor in advance to have a health expo preceding an evangelistic series and/or to be the health seminar speaker.
Duration of Program: Weekend Intensive Health Expo at your local Church or Evangelistic Series
TWC Community Health & Wellness Expo Training: For information about scheduling our TWC Community Health Expo Training and/or One Day Health Expo, please call us or contact us. Scheduling is also available for conferences, Men, Women, Family, and Christian Business retreats, and other special events.