A Lifestyle Designed To Normalise Sugar Levels and Weight
The Program
For people who complete this program the outcomes are often a pleasant surprise. For most people who lead the appropriate lifestyle, blood sugars normalise as do many other markers. For most people struggling with weight the additional benefit is often significant weight loss.
- The D.R.K. Lifestyle Program is an intense, life changing, three month program.
- There is one two hour session every week.
- Each session is packed with interesting and relevant information.
- During the program participants experience professional coaching.
- Participants learn why food can be your worst enemy or your best friend.
- Participants also are coached on how to create your own lifestyle change.
- There is an on-line lifestyle change workbook .
- Each person who attends has their doctor monitor them through the lifestyle change period.
- We will provide doctors with lifestyle change data.
- Participants receive solid professional support through the program and beyond.
For people who complete this program the outcomes are often a pleasant surprise. For most people who lead the appropriate lifestyle, blood sugars normalise as do many other markers. For most people struggling with weight the additional benefit is often significant weight loss.
Two sessions
Weekly meetings for 12 weeks starting:
Dates to be announced
Weekly meetings for 12 weeks starting:
Dates to be announced